The New Fundamentalism

Reading Hassan Butt's piece in the Observer, "My plea to fellow Muslims: you must renounce terror", I couldn't help but think of how much his likes have to do with the dire security conditions we all face today. Despite his claim to have repented, I would ask to be...

Leave Religion out of it

When I first heard that someone had shot and killed 32 people on an American university campus, the first thought that came to mind was: Please God, let it not be a Muslim! By the time the full details of the horrific tragedy unfolded, it was clear that he wasn't,...

Torture by Degrees

When a BBC online worldwide poll shows that a third of 27,000 respondents believed some degree of torture was acceptable when dealing with terrorist suspects, we should be seriously concerned. That so many people from 25 countries can even begin to think that such...

A Battle of Insults

When David Blunkett was home secretary, he came up with the extraordinary idea that the problems of social cohesion and integration could all be solved by calling upon parents, and he singled out Asian parents, to speak to their own children at home in English rather...

An Insufficient Apology

When Pope Benedict recently delivered a lecture and managed to find the time and space to take a swipe at Islam, the Prophet Mohammed and effectively every Muslim, he must have expected the kind of reaction that followed across the Muslim world. If he hadn't, then he...


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