Lecture: Global Religious Wisdom, International Law and Conflict

The Cordoba Foundation and the Association of Sri Lankan Lawyers in the UK cordially invite you to an evening lecture given by the prominent Sri Lankan Judge and peace activist , Judge Weeramantry (former vice president of the International Court of Justice, The Hague)

Trip: Delegation to Bosnia-Herzegovina

The Cordoba Foundation will be leading a delegation of British Muslims to Bosnia-Herzegovina this year, from 24th-30 September 2013. The trip is part of ongoing work by The Cordoba Foundation in Bosnia, namely raising awareness around the massacre in Srebrenica and supporting specific projects.

Forum: Re-thinking the ‘Muslim Community’

The Leaf Network in association with Human Appeal presents in partnership with The Cordoba Foundation and other parners: A critical reflection on the challenges of community building with guest speaker Usama Canon from the USA


Upcoming Open Events

The following organisations have a series of interesting public events. Please contact them for more details