Event Report – Critical Platform: The Arab Spring – Three Years On

Event Report – Critical Platform: The Arab Spring – Three Years On

This is an event report on seminar on the inauguration of Critical Platform, on the 20th of March 2014. Held in partnership with The Cordoba Foundation the seminar refected on the three years of unprecedented changes in the Middle East and North Africa, ranging from free and fair elections to the violent suppression of change.

Event Report: Roundtable on European Muslims: Citizenship and Islamophobia

Event Report: Roundtable on European Muslims: Citizenship and Islamophobia

This is a report of the event, jointly hosted by The Cordoba Foundation and the Enough Coalition Against Islamophobia, took place on 11th February 2014 at the London Muslim Centre, London. It was part of the Cordoba Seminars series, which analysis issues and developments in the arena of research, dialogue and current affairs.

Event Report – Roundtable on the Crisis in Egypt

Event Report – Roundtable on the Crisis in Egypt

On Tuesday 1st October 2013, The Cordoba Foundation hosted a closed-door high-level roundtable on the crisis in Egypt. The roundtable brought together representatives from the High Commissions of several Southeast Asian countries, and expert political reporters and analysts. This is a short report of those discussions

Announcing the latest MENA Report

Announcing the latest MENA Report

Announcing the latest edition of, the MENA Report, providing insights and analysis of events and developments in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). This edition provides an insight into the Saudi state and its Salafi trends

Eid Mubarak

Eid Mubarak

On the Occasion of the end of Ramadan, The Cordoba Foundation wishes everyone Eid Mubarak

Srebrenica Memorial Speech by the Grand Mufti of Bosnia

Srebrenica Memorial Speech by the Grand Mufti of Bosnia

As the Srebrenica Memorial Day anniversary on the 11th of July approaches its 18th year, The Cordoba Foundation is exclusively releasing the commemoration sermon prepared by the Grand Mufti of Bosnia-Herzegovina.

Ramadan Mubarak

Ramadan Mubarak

The Cordoba Foundation sends its best wishes to friends, colleagues and supporters observing the Holy Month of Ramadan