The Cordoba Foundation will be leading a delegation of British Muslims to Bosnia-Herzegovina this year, from 24th-30 September 2013. The trip is part of ongoing work by The Cordoba Foundation in Bosnia, namely raising awareness around the massacre in Srebrenica and supporting specific projects.
In this trip we will be accompanied by a distinguished South African scholar, Shaykh Ebrahim Bham. Shaykh ham has served in various capacities in South Africa at Newtown Islamic Institute, Al-Aqsa Institute, and the Mayfair Jameand Hamidiamosques.
Presently the chief theologian and general-secretary of the Council of Muslim Theologians in Johannesburg, South Africa,ShaykhBham is an executive member of National Religious Leaders Forum; executive member of Muslim AIDS Programme (MAP); national trustee of Moral Regeneration Movement; and a leading figure within the United‘Ulama Council of South Africa (UUCSA).
1. Observe how Bosnian Muslims have responded and are recovering from the long years of war, destruction and ethnic-cleansing.
2. Discuss and exchange ideas and thoughts about the Muslim experience in Europe and future scenarios.
3. Support specific fundraising projects.
4. Raise greater awareness of the genocide.