Mainstreaming Hate: How the Right Exploits the Crisis to Divide Us
Report Launch and Discussion: Mainstreaming Hate: How the Right Exploits the Crisis to Divide Us 10 Sep 2024, London Muslim Centre Download...
Press Release - 28/08/2024 In light of the recent far-right riots, 80 Muslim organisations and community leaders have come together to demand immediate and concrete action from the government to tackle the growing threat of Islamophobia. The alarming rise in hate and...
Israel & the West; The Question of Peace in the Middle East | The London Circle
Ilan Pappe’s ground-breaking book on Zionism launches in London
The Cordoba Foundation hosted a major event in London on 11 June 2024, to launch Lobbying for Zionism on Both Sides of the Atlantic, the latest work by acclaimed Israeli historian Prof Ilan Pappe. The event was organised in partnership with the Middle East Monitor...
The Cordoba Foundation welcomes UN resolution on Srebrenica Genocide

The Cordoba Foundation welcomes Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim’s visit to London
On Friday 17th of January, The Cordoba Foundation along with representatives of a number of British Muslim organisations, shared lunch and a discussion with Malaysian Prime Minister Dr Anwar Ibrahim who is visiting the UK. Prior to the meeting, the Prime Minister...
Rising From The Ashes – The Story of Syria
Rising From The Ashes - The Story of Syria As another historical chapter unfolds before our eyes, how much do we know about Syria? Join this exclusive webinar as we unravel this story of destruction, and it's rise to justice. Register to attend:...
The Cordoba Foundation hosts parliamentary delegation from Indonesia, led by Deputy Speaker of the House
The Cordoba Foundation hosted a parliamentary delegation from Indonesia on Friday 13 December, led by the Deputy Speaker of Parliament (Defense and Foreign Affairs) Dr H. Sukamta MP. The 25-member delegation included eight parliamentarians from the Justice and...
External News, Views
Israel & the West; The Question of Peace in the Middle East | The London Circle
We are a welcoming Europe
Millions have stood up to help. Europe’s citizens are its biggest strength and the key to change the current political impasse on migration. We are coming together to launch a European-wide campaign in order to put pressure on politicians, in particular as part of the...
FOE NOT FRIEND Yemeni Tribes and Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP)
Yemeni tribes as collective entities have not backed or allied with AQAP, agreed to give its fighters safe haven, or endorsed its radical ideology; to the contrary, tribes have tended to see the group as a potentially serious challenge to their authority This timely...
UK government should withdraw its invitation to Abdel Fatah al-Sisi
We are concerned to hear that the government has invited the Egyptian dictator, Field Marshal Abdel Fatah al-Sisi, to visit the UK. We believe it violates the British values which the government claims to champion to welcome a ruler who has overthrown an elected...
External Events
Srebrenica Genocide in Bosnia.
24th Anniversary Commemoration. The single greatist atrocity in Europe since the Second War World.
Policy, Power and Sectarian Identities in the MENA Region
ISLAM AND DEMOCRACY: Exploring the Strategies of Political Islam and the Muslim Brotherhood’s Contribution
(PAST EVENTS) Critical Platform: Islam, Extremism, Terrorism

Mainstreaming Hate: How the Right Exploits the Crisis to Divide Us
Report Launch and Discussion: Mainstreaming Hate: How the Right Exploits the Crisis to Divide Us 10 Sep 2024, London Muslim Centre Download...

The 2024 French Legislative Election
By Dr Alain Gabon In this issue Macron’s dissolution of the National AssemblyWhy a reckless dissolution?A transformed political landscapeHow the snap legislative election provided even more surprisesExplanations of the resultsHow the National Rally was...

By Dr Alain Gabon In this issue Renewed interestA continent in crisisMain winnersWho are the main losers?No groundswellThe real threat: influence Issue 01, Vol 4, July 2024, The Cordoba foundation The real threat of the far-right may not be its electoral victories...

Tunisia at a Crossroads: Has the birthplace of the Arab Spring finally succumbed to tyranny?
by John L. EspositoDistinguished Professor, Georgetown University In this issue Rachid Ghannouchi on Islam & DemocracyUS Policy: The Biden AdministrationConclusionNotesRachid Ghannouchi is one of the world’s leading Islamic thinkers and has been one of the most...