Issue 1 | December 2018 | The Cordoba Foundation
*Bill Law is a Sony award-winning journalist. He joined the BBC in 1995 and since 2002 has reported extensively from the Middle East. He has travelled to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia many times. In 2003 he was one of the first journalists to cover the beginnings of the insurgency that engulfed Iraq. His documentary The Gulf: Armed & Dangerous which aired in late 2010 anticipated the revolutions that became the Arab Spring. He then covered the uprisings in Egypt, Libya and Bahrain. Bill also reported from Afghanistan and Pakistan. Before leaving the BBC in April 2014, he was the corporation’s Gulf analyst. He now works as a freelance journalist focusing on the Gulf and is a regular contributor to the Independent, Middle East Eye, Monocle Radio, Gulf States News, the BBC and the New Arab.
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The Cordoba Foundation (TCF) is an independent strategic thinktank that works to promote intercultural dialogue and positive coexistence, through a range of activities including research and publications, training and capacity building, policy briefings and dialogues. The Foundation takes its name from the city of Cordoba, the European metropolis that was once a symbol of human excellence and intellectual ingenuity, where cultures, civilisations and ideas thrived. Embodying this spirit, the Foundation today facilitates the meeting of minds, to advance understanding and respect for one another. www.thecordobafoundation.com
www.thecordobafoundation.com Cultures in Dialogue