Since the start of the Arab Revolutions three years ago, the Middle East and North Africa has witnessed a kaleidoscope of dramatic developments. These range from free and fair elections to the violent suppression of change. important questions abound regarding the present and future scenarios such as addressing the festering crises in Egypt, Syria and elsewhere.
Join the timely seminar to explore further with the following experts:
- Dr Maha Azzam – Associate Fellow, MENA Programme, Chatham House
- Oliver McTernan – Director of Forward Thinking
- Dr Omar Ashour – Lecturer in Middle East politics and director of the Middle East graduate studies program, Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies, Exeter Universty
- Dr Anas Altikriti – CEO, The Cordoba Foundation
Date & Time: Thursday 20th March: 6.30pm-9pm
Venue: Queen Mary, University of London
Free Entry. All Welcome !!!
To register, please click here