Throughout the world’s most volatile regions, academics and practitioners are proposing that novel approaches to peace building should now be organic incorporating indigenous and local cultural methods of interventions and analysis on top of the systematic ‘Western’ models being employed. Islam as a religion and a tradition is replete with teachings and practices of nonviolence and peacebuilding. Since its formative years, Muslim communities have been empowered by various Islamic values and principles of peace and Muslim men and women to resolve their conflicts peacefully and to establish just social, political and economic systems.
Nevertheless, since the September 11 attacks of 2001, a large number of studies have ignored the Islamic tradition of peace and nonviolence and focused mainly on Islamic fundamentalism and recent emergence of radical Islamic movements.
The Cordoba Foundation, Islamic Relief Worldwide, Initiatives of Change and Salam Institute of Peace and Justice invite you to a public seminar that will focus on addressing the Islamic traditions of non violence and peacebuilding. (Please note that whilst the title of the seminar has changed to reflect a more detailed concept for the seminar, it will deliver the same subjects as before)
* Professor Mohammed Abu Nimer (Salam Institute for Peace and Justice / American University)
* Dr Qamar ul Huda (United States Institute of Peace)
* Dr Ayse Kadayifci-Orellana (Georgetown University / Salam Institiute for Peace and Justice)
Date & Time: 22nd January 2013, 10.30am – 4.00pm
Venue: Initiatives of Change Centre, 24 Greencoat Place, London, SW1P 1RD (Please click here for a map to the venue)- Closest tube is Victoria
Limited Places. Registration Essential!!
Please click here to register (Please note that there will be a £10 attendance fee payable at the door to cover refreshments, lunch and any course material)