A One Day Forum THE SEARCH FOR HUMAN SECURITY was held on May 16th at Malaysia’s Institute of Diplomacy and Foreign Relations (IDFR) which explored Islamic teachings on Diplomacy in the light of Peace Building and Human Security. The chief organizers were International Institute of Advanced Islamic Studies (IAIS) Malaysia, IDFR, and The Cordoba Foundation (TCF). Their contributing partners were the Foreign Ministry of The State of Qatar and the Global Movement of Moderates Foundation (GMMF). Twelve scholars and officials offered insights into the relevance of Human Security for the Islamic ideal of harmonious relations between nations.
Outstanding highlight of the Forum was the morning Keynote address “Islam And Peace Making: Legacy And Promise” delivered by HRH Raja Dr Nazrin Shah Ibni Sultan Azlan Muhibbuddin Shah – Regent of Perak Darul Ridzuan, as well as the Royal Patron of IDFR. HRH gave an exemplary comprehensive overview of the current conditions of Muslim nations regarding human security. HRH stated that many Muslim nations are gravely lacking in its basic aspects, since “the comprehensive wellbeing of the people in a number of Muslim-majority countries leaves much to be desired.” Shortcomings include poverty, income inequality, poor educational and health care opportunities, political repression, and violent conflict. He pointed especially to the destabilizing effects of sectarian rivalry and tribal animosities which plague large areas of the Muslim world. HRH provided valuable insights into how our understanding of security should transcend the nation-state security paradigm, by adopting human and social requirements for developmental wellbeing and flourishing in harmony with Islamic teaching
In the evening of May 16th a large Banquet was held at the Ritz Carleton Hotel in KL hosted by the Embassy of The State of Qatar, where Y.A.Bhg Tun Abdullah Haji Ahmad Badawi (Former Prime Minister of Malaysia & Patron of IAIS) gave his Keynote speech on ‘Islam and Peace Building in the 21st Century’. HE Khaled Al-Attiyah was in attendance along with HE Dr Hassan Al-Muhannadi (Director of The Diplomatic Institute, The State of Qatar) and many other dignitaries. In his remarks Tun Abdallah Badawi spoke of the “Muslim dilemma” which hinders Islamic nations from contributing effectively to Peace Building and promoting effective human security. He cautioned those present not to be complacent about conditions prevailing in Muslim societies, and to creatively re-think the need for fresh approaches to security and peace.
This SEARCH FOR HUMAN SECURITY Forum reflects expanded engagement with contemporary issues of Islamic peace and security by the two institutes IAIS and IDFR, who held their first conference in October 2011 on ISLAMIC PERSPECTIVES ON PEACE AND SECURITY. These two Forums highlight the close link between security and peace, for the word “Islam” signifies both closely related principles.
This 2013 Forum was intended to energize efforts by Islamic governments, Muslim civic organizations, and international NGOs to devote more resources to peace building efforts, and to actively pursue shared efforts at reconciliation and humanitarian needs.
For more details of the forum, please click here